Sunday, May 4, 2014

A. Cleans from Blocks - See April 17, 2014
Advanced: go to a max and then do 1 set of doubles at 10-20 lbs less
Intermediate: 3, 3, 3, 3
Beginner: 5, 5, 5, 5, 5

B.  For Time:
    New 435 meter route

    2 Rounds of:
    12 Box Jumps 20/24"
    12 clapping push ups

    100 meter sled pull 95/135 lbs

     50 shoulder taps 

Saturday, May 3, 2014

A1. Snatch From Blocks - See Monday, April 21, 2014
Beginners: 5, 5, 5, 5 (power is fine)
Intermediate: 3, 3, 3, 3
Advanced: 1 RM in 20 minutes and 1 set of doubles at approx. 15-20 lbs lighter.

A2. HSPU - See April 7, 12 and 22, 2014

Back to Wall HSPU (strict)
Advanced: add height to hands x 4-5 reps @ 31x1 x 5 sets
Intermediate 1: to floor 4-5 reps @ 31x1 x 5 sets
Intermediate 2: add height, but no more than 2 x 15 lb plates.
Beginner: downward dog hspu (more advanced should pull feet off the floor) x 5 reps@ 51x1 
Rest 60 sec.

NOTE: Make sure you follow the tempo for the hspu as well as the back squats. 

I want VOLUME on the HSPU today, so if you have 1 set that you only hit 4 on, that is ok, but if you are consistently hitting 4 it is too intense.

Rest ONLY 45 sec between movements.  

B.  3 Rounds for Time:
DB or KB squats 35/55 lbs (must hold two KB or DB) x 15
Muscle ups x 3/5
High Hang (Tall) Power cleans x 7  95/135 lbs

Monday, April 28, 2014

A. Clean and Jerk - see April 14 and April 12, 2014

Advanced - Go to a daily max in 20 min.  1 set of doubles = 30 min
Intermediate: 3, 3, 3, 3
Beginner: 5, 5, 5, 5 (push jerk)

B.  4 Rounds for Time:
     Push Press x 12 85/135 lbs
     Kipping Muscle Ups x 3/5
     Jumping Split Squats  x 20

Muscle up progressions - 
Can do banded muscle up as long as they can achieve a full lock out and start from full extension.

IF you are doing tomorrow's wod, ONLY do 3 ring dips or bar dips (may use the orange band but nothing heavier)

If you are not doing tomorrow's wod, please do: 7 kipping pull ups and 3 ring dips as a substitution for the muscle ups