CrossFit Challenge Preparation

There are a few things to prepare in advance of the CrossFit Challenge this weekend. 

Food: I don't know what the food situation is going to be around City Park or even how much time you will have in between events so it would be a good idea to pack a cooler with food.  Make sure you have snacks- apples, bananas, nuts and seeds, cheese, cooked chicken, tuna, vegetables. 

Tape: be sure to bring tape for your hands and wrists if you need it. 

Clothing: Bring layers. We might be outdoors and we will probably have a minimal amount of time to warm-up.  Bring your flux shirt!

If anyone needs a ride please respond to this blog. I think we have everyone covered but just in case. 


CrossFit Challenge in Saskatoon

Our merry band of anxious fluxers will be off to Saskatoon for the Saskatchewan CrossFit Challenge this Saturday. Yikes! I want to congratulate all of you for your bold decision. It takes some serious courage to take part in a CrossFit event such as this. I am so pleased to have members signed up in all 3 levels.  A big thanks for those of you making the trip to Saskatoon to cheers us on. I know I will be fueled by your cheerful support. 


Friday, Oct. 2 and Saturday, Oct. 3 class schedule

This weekend is the Saskatchewan CrossFit Challenge. This means that a lot of folks will be heading down to compete or to cheer.  It also means the schedule will be changed slightly.

The following schedule will be in effect for this Friday and Saturday.

Friday, Oct. 2nd
6-7am W.O.D.
7-8am W.O.D.
8-9am W.O.D.
12-1pm W.O.D.
6:15-7pm W.O.D.

7-8pm Stretching with Fran

***No classes at 4 or 5:15 on Friday. Note the 6pm will begin at 6:15pm.***

Saturday, Oct. 3rd
9-10am W.O.D.
10-11am W.O.D.

***No flux CrossFit Kids class on Saturday***