Leona and the medicine ball

Leona never believed her butt would ever come into contact with the medicine ball during the squat.

Butt and ball pined for each other.

They were united the other day, many times over. Consistently, Leona actively pulls her hips and posterior chain below the patella. These photos do not do her justice either as they do not demonstrate the curve in her lumbar spine as she drives the hips back. Now, we work on the elbows.

Theresa - the olympic lifter

Theresa was at the grocery store showing off her mad olympic lifting skillz the other day. The clerk insisted Theresa accept her offer of assistance to carry the bags to her car. "Are you sure? These bags are very heavy." To which Theresa replied: "I may not look it but I am an olympic lifter." And with great ease Theresa swooped the heavy bags off of the counter.