Saturday was a huge success. The rain sucked but the intermittent training that we did kept us warm. I think most of you did about 10-15 mini workouts.
Some random snapshots that come to mind: Cory's deadlifting spectacle, Deb's PR on the deadlift, Catie and Ryan's box jumps, Pumpkin and Joey workin' the crowd, Pumpkin's 200 clean and jerks, Cory perfecting the flux display, 10 double patty cheeseburgers, fries, no bun, from the Mercury Cafe, Ariane riding, all small town like, in the back of Deb's pick-up truck, Jane drinking coffee, Rylin frantically searching for his candy, Charity sweet talkin' the masses, Jasinta being Jasinta, and Traci's thoughtful gift to me.
Thank you to all who helped Charity and I out on Saturday. I was beaming with pride the whole day.
Photos are on the way!