Monday, November 1, 2011

A. Front Squats
Beginners: 5, 5, 5 @ 22x2
Intermediate: 3, 3, 3, 3; rest 2 min.
Advanced: Bulgarian

B. On a 2 minute clock:
Run 200 meters
OHS x 15 55/85 lbs
AMRAP ring push-ups (must go into support position at the top of each push-up).
4 Rounds
Rest 5 minutes.

Beginner: Go on a two and half minute clock.

Flux Athlete Emma Bandol - Long Distance World Championship in Triathlon

Emma Bandol left for Nevada on Monday for the Long Distance World Championship Triathlon on November 5th. Emma is one of my clients who receives individualized program design and coaching from me three days a week. Emma will be swimming 4 km, biking 120 km and running 30 km.

Good luck Emma! You have been training hard and you are ready for this!

Saturday, Oct 29, 2011

A. Pull-Ups
Beginners: 1 negative, rest 1 min x 5 sets; rest 1 min.
Intermediate: AMRAP chin-ups or pull-ups in 1 min; rest 2 min.
Advanced: false grip pull-ups, 1-5 reps x 4 sets; rest 2 min.

B. In 2-3 minutes:
Run 200 meters
15 kettlebell swings 35/50 lbs
AMRAP (ring)push-ups (must go into support position for ring push-ups at the top of each rep).
rest 2-3 min.
5 sets
advanced: on a 2 minute clock
beginners: on a 3 minute clock
Beginners: find a height at which you can do 2-3 reps at a time.