new year; new classes!

We are excited to announce a new class for kids and teens at Flux - School of Human Movement!
Starting this Saturday, January 3rd at noon we will be offering a Parkour & Acrobatics for ages 9 and up.

This class will be held once per week and last 60 minutes. It can be an additional class for a current Flux Kids or Flux Teens, or it can be the only class attended.

Saturday at 12pm (noon)
60 minutes
at main Flux gym (3424 13th Avenue)
if only attending Parkour: $70/month for Flux members / $80/month for non-members
or current membership goes up 1 level

Please email[at]gmail[dot]com if you are interested in registering your child; space is limited.

Saturday, December 3, 2014

A. Back Squat - See December 20 and Dec 27, 2014
 Advanced/intermediate: Take 10 minutes to work up to a heavy triple and then do 3 more sets at that weight. I want a tempo of 00x1 to be used. Remember to follow the tempo in your warm up.

Beginner: 5 sets of 5, going up in weight if your coach gives the go ahead. Tempo of 32x2
Rest 2-3 minutes

B. Bar Kipping Muscle up practice for 15 minutes or Toes to Bar practice.

C. 3 Round for Time
Power Jerk x 7 105/155 lbs
kipping ring muscle up x 5
Jumping barbell squat x 20 45 lbs

Friday, January 2, 2014

A. Power Snatch from blocks
 Advanced: 4 sets of 3. All at same weight. You must hit 12 reps.
Intermediate: 4 sets of 3 but go up in weight with each set.
Rest 2-3 minutes.

B. Thrusters x 50 35/45 lbs
     KB Swings x 50 35/55 lbs
     DB Power Snatch x 50 (alternating) 35/55 lbs
     Toes to Bar x 50
     Double Unders x 50