Friday, June 1, 2012

A.  For Time:
    Run 800 meters
    2 Rounds
    15 kipping pull-ups
    15  HSPU (you may kip)
    Run 800 meters

B1. 10 back extensions with or without weight x 3 sets

B2. 6 Trap 3 raises @ 3333 x 3 sets

B3. Weighted lumbar spine holds x 10 reps plus 10 sec hold on last rep x 3 sets

Thursday, May 31, 2012

A. 5 Rounds for Time: TESTING
Deadlifts x 9 165/225 lbs
box jumps x 9 20/24
burpees x 9

See June 18, 2011. When we did this one back in June you had a 4 minute rest period between sets.  Today, no rest. Compare your times.

Rest 10 min.

B. low rotations into bridge -  5 reps per direction x 3 sets.
If you are on the wall for these: 8 reps per direction x 3 sets

C. Kipping practice or muscle up practice.

Flux Food Talk and Paleo Potluck

Coach Darci and I want to invite all of our Flux members and their families to our ...
Flux Paleo Potluck and "Food Talk" on Saturday, June 9th! 

This event will take place following the Cool Springs Ranch Pick Up and we're pleased that Sam and Janeen (and the kids) will be joining us for an evening of good real food and conversation!

Food Talk - "Real Food: Bone Broth and Canning" by Coach Darci and Farmer Janeen!

Here are the particulars:
Where: Flux Gym at 2251 McTavish St
Time: 6pm-10pm (Talk begins at 7pm)
What to Bring: Real Food Paleo Eats (If you don't know what this means just ask of us.

We want to especially encourage our new Flux members to come out and meet other Flux folks!

At this event we will also be announcing our next Flux 30-day Paleo Challenge!