A week at Flux - School of Human Movement

I'm starting this post tagged "recap" for all our members to stay in touch. We use Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to share pictures, achievements and any other exciting happenings, but we sometimes forget to include those of you who only use the blog!

Here's our first "a week at Flux - School of Human Movement" highlight reel:

Retro WOD at the McTavish location

Retro WOD at the McTavish location

At the end of our 6 week program with the teens, Lucas is hitting 5 bridge push ups. When he started he had zero. Way to go!

At Flux, we strive for strict movements and strong eccentrics before kipping. This keeps our movers safe and injury free. Jess is very close to a strict muscle up so I knew it was time to practice the kip. Here she is doing her second kipping muscle up. Check out that stability! Thanks to all the Flux teachers who aided Jessica Gibson on her muscle up journey.

Stay tuned for more highlights from your fellow Fluxers!

You can also follow Flux on




and Instagram (@fluxcrossfit)


Flux is expanding!!! Details coming soon!!!

Flux is expanding!!! Details coming soon!!! What the Flux expansion means for you - more CrossFit classes, more movement, more mobility, more bouldering, more parkour, more kids classes, more power lifting & olympic lifting space and much, much more! Same intimate setting but way more class options. Our coach to athlete ratio will not change but you will have so many more hours and options to choose from.

The end of the Heal Your Gut Challenge

Hi everyone!

We are hosting a potluck this Saturday to celebrate the end of the Heal Your Gut Challenge.
There's even an event on Facebook!

Challenge participants:
We need to hear about how you did in the last 6 weeks!

Send me an email ([email protected]) with your testimonial; include your points, failures & successes, what was easy/what was hard and what you learned.

You could win some great prizes! (and you don't have to be at the potluck to win, but we'd like to see you!)

Here's a reminder of the Challenge guidelines:

-no sugar; no cheat days
-no alcohol
-no gluten
-no dairy
-eat organ meat once per week
-make bone broth; drink 1 cup per day
-consume 30 different plant matter per week
-sleep in a dark room
-turn off electronics 1 hour before bed
-workout 4 hours per week
-eat fermented food every day
-eat resistant starch every day
-take high quality fish oil
-take magnesium and zinc


-Flux gear
-massage therapy gift certificate with Heidi
-Cool Springs Ranch gift certificate
-Rogue gear
-pair of Innov8

from the Flux archives!
from the Flux archives!

Thursday, October 30, 2014

A. Strict HSPU
See Tuesday's session.

Advanced: AMRAP Unbroken x 5 sets; rest 2 minutes.
Intermediate: 5 reps x 5 sets; rest 2 minutes. If you hit 4 reps on your first or second set, you need to decrease the intensity.
Beginner: 5 reps x 5 sets; rest 2 minutes. Downward dog in PIKE position and feet together. Don't forget your triangle.

B. CrossFit Open Wod 14.4


For Time:
60 calorie row
50 Toes to Bar
40 wall balls
30 cleans
20 muscle ups