JOINT PREP and MOVEMENT WORK 5 min of joint prep
Brachiation work
*Beginner/Intermediate: * A Passive hang - accumulate 2 minutes is as few sets as possible.
B1. 6-10 arch scap pullings with 3 sec hold x 2 sets
B2. 30 sec of continuous protraction push ups x 2 sets
Rest 60 sec after B2.
C.Banana swing x 30 sec x 1 set
*Advanced: *
A. Alternating 1 arm passive hang 30/30, 20/20, 10/10 - do not come off. x 1 set
B1. 1 arm active arch scap pull in x 5 reps x 3 sets with 3 sec hold in active position. x 2 sets
B2. 45-60 sec of continuous protraction push ups x 2 sets
Rest 60 sec after B2.
Flux CrossFit/Flux Blend
A. Push/split jerk:
Every 45 sec, do 3 jerks @ approx. 10-20 kg under your max of your clean and jerk. x 8 sets
Bonus Rounds: 5 reps for an additional 3 sets.
B.* Flux CrossFit* 10 Rounds for Time: Kipping Pull ups x 5 Double Unders x 20
B. Flux Blend
AMRAP 1 arm lizard push ups in 7 minutes. Only quality reps.
C. QM gallop x 3-4 into front roll into back roll x 2/side x 3 sets
NOTE: if this is too challenging work only on gallop into front roll.