Saturday, December 12, 2015


Fighting Monkey Arm Circles for 3 minutes. Folks that no what they are doing should grab some 1-2.5 lb plates. Nothing heavier. brachiation x 2 progressions resting squat with a couple progressions 1/2 length of ostrich walk Esquiva baxia to jump back to esquiva lateral (moguls) Take 5 min to teach the movement.

The Flux Way

A. 1 arm OHS - Let's keep working on this! 12 reps AFAP at the weight at which you did 20 reps in the last cycle. x 4 sets; rest 45 sec.

B. 60 sec of each movement: cossack 1 arm burpee lizard push ups cross step full length of traversing the pull up bar (or an interesting combination)/reverse twist x 4 lengths/20 side swings with hand lift off/20 side swings with no lift/30 sec 2 arm passive hang

Rest 90 sec

5 sets

NOTE: The point of this is to go at a steady pace. Do not rush out of the gate. Simply move with purpose.

NOTE: The brachiation patterns are listed from most challenging to more of a beginner movement.


A. 1 arm OHS - Let's keep working on this! 12 reps AFAP at the weight at which you did 20 reps in the last cycle. x 4 sets; rest 45 sec.

B. 5 Rounds for Time: Kipping Pull ups x 8 Double Unders x 30


Make up a training session that you missed.

Friday, December 11, 2015


Fighting Monkey Arm Circles for 3 minutes. Folks that no what they are doing should grab some 1-2.5 lb plates. Nothing heavier. brachiation x 2 progressions resting squat with a couple progressions 1/2 length of ostrich walk Esquiva baxia to jump back to esquiva lateral (moguls) Take 5 min to teach the movement.

The Flux Way and Performance

A. Every 3 minutes x 5 sets Snatch x 2 reps or OHS x 5-7 reps (If appropriate, go up in weight each set of your ohs). Hip Raises x 12 reps For snatch weight, go heavier than your last cycle.

B. 3 Rounds for Time: KB Snatch x 20 35/50 lbs Stationary Front Rack lunges x 10 95/135 lbs

Competition A. strict Press x 5 reps x 3 sets; rest 2 minutes

B. 3 Rounds for Time: Ring dips x 15 double unders x 40 front rack lunges x 10 115/155 lbs Alternating Kb Snatch x 20

Thursday, December 10, 2015


Fighting Monkey Arm Circles for 3 minutes.

brachiation x 2 progressions

resting squat with a couple progressions

Esquiva baxia to jump back to esquiva lateral (moguls) Take 3 min to teach the movement.

1/2 length of ostrich walk

It's Podkatchka Thursday again folks!

A1. HSPU x 6-8 reps

A2. Pullovers x3-5 reps or pull ups or chin ups x 6-10 reps

A3. Wall walk bridges x 5 reps

A4. wall climbers or 20 bananas or 30 sec hang from the bar x 20 reps

A5. Skin the cats x 2-5 reps or stahl bar hanging leg raises x 5 reps @ 31x1

A6. Rail balance x 5 lengths

A7. Renegade Rows x 8 reps 35/ 55 lbs

A8. shrimp squat x 10 reps

Rest 60 sec after each station

Rest 3 minutes after each cycle

3-4 sets

Wednesday, December 9, 2015


Fighting Monkey Arm Circles for 3 minutes.

brachiation x 2 progressions

resting squat with a couple progressions

Esquiva baxia to jump back to esquiva lateral (moguls) Take 3 min to teach the movement.

1/2 length of ostrich walk

The Flux Way

A. 5 reps at 80 % of your 5 RM. Then 3 reps @ 90% of your 5 RM and 1 rep at 20 lbs over your 5RM.

Then, do 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

Do 5 reps at what you hit last week for your 5RM.

Then, add weight for each subsequent set.

Coaches, obviously use your discretion for who should be doing this.

B. Every 2 minutes:

TGU x 5/side x 4 sets.

C. Chest to wall handstand for 30- 60 sec (lock in your bodyline).

 Lache to twist x 4 reps

 Quad jump to target x 4 reps

 5 sets

NOTE: if you are working on freestanding handstands, and you did a 60 sec hold, please move in your second set to heel pulls, then toe pulls in your next set, followed by 2 sets of 5 kick ups, aiming to kick up into a handstand. If successful, aim to hold for 5 sec.

If you held for 30 sec, please do 3 sets of chest to wall. Then do 5 kick up attempts, aiming for 5 sec holds.


A. 5 reps at 80 % of your 5 RM. Then 3 reps @ 90% of your 5 RM and 1 rep at 20 lbs over your 5RM.

Then, do 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

Do 5 reps at what you hit last week for your 5RM.

Then, add weight for each subsequent set.

Coaches, obviously use your discretion for who should be doing this.

B. Every 2 minutes:

TGU x 5/side x 4 sets

C. 7 Rounds for Time:

Deadlift x 7 155/205 lbs

kipping hspu x 7


A. Cleans 3 x 3, 2 x 2 1 x1 See Nov 13, 2015

B. Testing:


C1. cuban rotations x 5 x 5 @ 3131

C2. banded knee deadlifts x 5 reps at about 50% of your max.

3 sets