A.Tech work on KB snatch or if you have the snatch mastered, work on muscle-ups. 10 min.
KB Snatch x 14 (7 per arm) Women 50 lbs and men 70 lbs
ring push-ups x 5-15
AMRAP in 12 min
rest 8 min
weighted pull-ups x 5 Women 15 lbs and Men 30 lbs
burpees x 10
AMRAP in 12 min
If you cannot snatch the KB with good form, do 1 arm KB high pulls.
If you cannot do ring push-ups, do regular push-ups.
You should be able to finish your reps in 2 sets or less on the push-ups.
Weighted pull-ups: expect to take breaks on the pull-ups, doing them in 2-3 sets.
KB Snatch x 14 (7 per arm) Women 50 lbs and men 70 lbs
ring push-ups x 5-15
AMRAP in 12 min
rest 8 min
weighted pull-ups x 5 Women 15 lbs and Men 30 lbs
burpees x 10
AMRAP in 12 min
If you cannot snatch the KB with good form, do 1 arm KB high pulls.
If you cannot do ring push-ups, do regular push-ups.
You should be able to finish your reps in 2 sets or less on the push-ups.
Weighted pull-ups: expect to take breaks on the pull-ups, doing them in 2-3 sets.