Tuesday, May 31, 2011

A.Tech work on KB snatch or if you have the snatch mastered, work on muscle-ups. 10 min.

KB Snatch x 14 (7 per arm) Women 50 lbs and men 70 lbs
ring push-ups x 5-15
AMRAP in 12 min

rest 8 min

weighted pull-ups x 5 Women 15 lbs and Men 30 lbs
burpees x 10
AMRAP in 12 min

If you cannot snatch the KB with good form, do 1 arm KB high pulls.
If you cannot do ring push-ups, do regular push-ups.
You should be able to finish your reps in 2 sets or less on the push-ups.
Weighted pull-ups: expect to take breaks on the pull-ups, doing them in 2-3 sets.

Regionals Day #3

Darci and I went back to the Thunderbird Stadium on Sunday to cheer on the finalists including Synergy's and CrossFit Regina's teams and Synergy's Matt Bathgate who made it to the Men's final.

Unfortunately the list of top 14 athletes in the individuals competition was based on the first 4 wods, which meant that not all of the competitors got to go on to compete in the last two wods. This meant that our fearless leader did not get to showcase her muscle ups or her speedy snatch. I found this portion of the competition especially frustrating considering 5 of the women in the top 14 didn't get a muscle up and ended up being disqualified. That being said we saw some absolutely awesome kipping muscle ups (see the video below) and some that were not nearly so nice.

Overall the competition over the whole weekend was fierce and inspiring to watch!

Congratulations again to all of the Saskatchewan athletes and teams who competed!

And to Darci, we're so proud of you!

Below are some photos and a couple of videos from Day #3. (More on our facebook page)

Sunday, May 29, 2011

A. Spend 10 minutes working on OHS form. For beginners: work on pulling scaps back and elevating shoulders. Be sure that you have a slight angle in your wrist. Barbell should sit in the fleshy part of your hand. (you do not want to have a neutral wrist). Don't worry about weight!

For advanced folks: snatch the barbell and work on catching it high and riding it into the squat.

For Time:

Sandbag run x 200 meters
KB swings x 20 35/50 lbs
double unders x 20
5 rounds

You should have lot's of time in your warm-up for scapular and shoulder mobility/strength work.