Update on New Space and March Schedule

Things are coming along nicely. Plumbing is done, the new huge water heater has been installed, walls built, drywall up, mudding and taping done, ceiling has been repaired, patched, and will be painted and textured over the next coming days, windows have been ordered, electrical is almost complete, signs are up, and graffiti artwork will be done on the building as soon as it warms up enough.

That being said, it looks like we will be holding off moving into the space for about a week longer than expected. What does this mean for you ...

I have completed the schedule on the mindbody up until Saturday, March 10th. Even though we will still be holding all of our classes in our McTavish Flux space we have decided to go ahead and begin making the following additions and changes to help with our growing numbers:

We have added:
-9am WODs (with babies) on Monday and Fridays. Remember these WODs are for everyone not just parents!
-a second Mobility class on Tuesdays at 6:30pm
-a fifth Gymnastics class on Saturdays at 11am

Once we move into the new space, we will also be running simultaneous adult classes (WODS, Gymnastics) at the same time as the Kids' classes (Thursdays and Sundays) as well as during the Teen program (M, W, F from 4-5pm) to help facilitate better scheduling for everyone.

We will also be running regular WODs and opening up more Free Gym time during Gymnastics and Mobility classes. And yes, we will add another Movement class too!

We are excited that our Flux community is growing! Head Coaches Darci, Mieka, and I, along with our entire Flux coaching team (Jane, Ariane, Lucy, Mike, and Alisha), are committed to helping you achieve all of your health and fitness goals!

Yes, that's right Coach Lucy will be back with us next week!

Thank you again for your patience as we transition to our new space, as well as your ongoing support and contributions to our Flux community!

All the best,

Friday, March , 2012

A. Front Squats @ 22x2, 5, 5, 5; rest 2 min.
If you squatted yesterday, do Push Jerk from Rack
Push Jerk (not split) 3, 3, 3, 3; rest 2 min.

B. Push Jerk 75 lbs/105 AMRAP in 1 Min
Toes to Bar AMRAP in 1 Min
Burpees AMRAP in 1 Min.
Rest 3 min.
5 sets

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

A. Back Squat @ 22x2 5, 5, 5; rest 2 min.

B. Rotation into low bridge practice - 10 min.

Take plenty of time to work on OHS in warm-up.

C. For Time:
OHS 95/135 lbs 15, 12, 9, 6, 3, 1
Weighted Pull-Ups (no KIP) Find a weight at which you can do 3 reps unbroken. 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1